Проверка запускаемых драйверов устройств
param($computer="localhost", $a="h", [switch]$help) function funHelp() { $helpText=@" DESCRIPTION: NAME: CheckDeviceDrivers.ps1 Displays a listing of system drivers that are set to automatic, manual, boot, system or all drivers PARAMETERS: -computer The name of the computer -a(ction) < a(ll), r(unning), s(topped), b(oot), m(anual), au(to), sy(stem), h(elp) > -help prints help file SYNTAX: CheckDeviceDrivers.ps1 -computer munich -a b Displays a listing of all device drivers that are set to start on boot on a computer named munich CheckDeviceDrivers.ps1 -a auto Displays a listing of all device drivers on local computer set to start up automatically CheckDeviceDrivers.ps1 -computer munich -a m Displays a listing of all device drivers that are set to start manually on a computer named munich CheckDeviceDrivers.ps1 -help ? Displays the help topic for the script "@ $helpText exit } if($help){ "Obtaining help ..." ; funhelp } switch($a) { "a" { "Retrieving all device drivers" $filter = "started = 'true' or started = 'false'" } "r" { "Retrieving all running device drivers" $filter = "started = 'true'" } "s" { "Retrieving all stopped device drivers" $filter = "started = 'false'" } "b" { "Retrieving boot device drivers" $filter = "startmode = 'boot'" } "m" { "Retrieving manual device drivers" $filter = "startmode = 'manual'" } "au" { "Retrieving auto device drivers" $filter = "startmode = 'auto'" } "sy" { "Retrieving system device drivers" $filter = "startmode = 'system'" } "h" { "You need to specify an action. The -a parameter is required" "Try this: " + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition + " -h" exit } DEFAULT { "You need to specify an action. The -a parameter is required" "Try this: " + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition + " -h" exit } } $wmi = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_systemdriver ` -computername $computer -filter $filter format-table -InputObject $wmi -property ` displayname, pathname, name -autosize
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