Проверка служб, автоматически запускаемых при загрузке системы
param($computer="localhost", [switch]$help) function funHelp() { $helpText=@" DESCRIPTION: NAME: AutoServicesNotRunning.ps1 Displays a listing of services that are set to automatic, but are not presently running PARAMETERS: -computer The name of the computer -help prints help file SYNTAX: AutoServicesNotRunning.ps1 -computer munich Displays a listing of all non running services that are set to automatically start on a computer named munich AutoServicesNotRunning.ps1 Displays a listing of all services that are set to automatic, but are not presently running on the local machine AutoServicesNotRunning.ps1 -help ? Displays the help topic for the script "@ $helpText exit } if($help){ "Obtaining help ..." ; funhelp } $wmi = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service -computername $computer ` -filter "state <> 'running' and startmode = 'auto'" if($wmi -eq $null) { "No automatic services are stopped" } Else { "There are $($wmi.count) automatic services stopped. The list follows ... " foreach($service in $wmi) { $service.name } }
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