Анализ проблем с оборудованием
param( $computer="localhost", [switch]$unsigned, [switch]$full, [switch]$help ) function funline ($strIN) { $num = $strIN.length for($i=1 ; $i -le $num ; $i++) { $funline += "=" } Write-Host -ForegroundColor green $strIN Write-Host -ForegroundColor darkgreen $funline } function funHelp() { $helpText=@" DESCRIPTION: NAME: CheckSignedDeviceDrivers.ps1 Displays a listing of device drivers that are and whether they are signed or not PARAMETERS: -computer the name of the computer -unsigned lists unsigned drivers -full lists Description, driverProviderName, Driverversion,DriverDate, and infName -help prints help file SYNTAX: CheckSignedDeviceDrivers.ps1 -computer munich -unsigned Displays a listing of all unsigned drivers on a computer named munich CheckSignedDeviceDrivers.ps1 -unsigned -full Displays a listing of all unsigned drivers on local computer. Lists Description, driverProviderName, Driverversion,DriverDate, and infName of the driver CheckSignedDeviceDrivers.ps1 -computer munich -full Displays a listing of all signed drivers a computer named munich. Lists Description, driverProviderName, Driverversion,DriverDate, and infName of the driver CheckSignedDeviceDrivers.ps1 -help ? Displays the help topic for the script "@ $helpText exit } if($help){ "Obtaining help ..." ; funhelp } if($unsigned) { $filter = "isSigned = 'false'" ; $mode = "unsigned" } ELSE { $filter = "isSigned = 'true'" ; $mode = "signed" } $property = "Description", "driverProviderName", ` "Driverversion","DriverDate","infName" $wmi = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PnPSignedDriver ` -computername $computer -property $property -filter $filter funline("There are $($wmi.count) $mode drivers isted below:") if($full) { format-list -InputObject $wmi -property ` $property } ELSE { format-table -inputobject $wmi -Property description }
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