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$erroractionpreference = "SilentlyContinue" # hides any cryptic error messages due to security Param($computer = "localhost", [switch]$help) function funline ($strIN) { $num = $strIN.length for($i=1 ; $i -le $num ; $i++) { $funline = $funline + "=" } Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow $strIN Write-Host -ForegroundColor darkYellow $funline } function funHelp() { $helpText=@" DESCRIPTION: NAME: ServiceDependencies.ps1 Displays a listing of services and their dependencies PARAMETERS: -computer The name of the computer -help prints help file SYNTAX: ServiceDependencies.ps1 -computer munich Displays a listing of services and their dependencies on a computer named munich ServiceDependencies.ps1 Displays a listing of services and their dependencies on the local machine ServiceDependencies.ps1 -help ? Displays the help topic for the script "@ $helpText exit } if($help){ "Obtaining help ..." ; funhelp } $dependentProperty = "name", "displayname", "pathname", "state", "startmode", "processID" $antecedentProperty = "name", "displayname", "state", "processID" if($computer = "localhost") { $computer = $env:computername } funline("Service Dependencies on $($computer)") New-Variable -Name c_padline -value 14 -option constant # allows for length of displayname Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DependentService -computername $computer | Foreach-object ` { "=" * ((([wmi]$_.dependent).pathname).length + $c_padline) Write-Host -ForegroundColor blue "This service:" [wmi]$_.Dependent | format-list -Property $dependentProperty Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "Depends on this service:" [wmi]$_.Antecedent | format-list -Property $antecedentProperty "=" * ((([wmi]$_.dependent).pathname).length + $c_padline) + "`n" }
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