Задание настроек DNS-сервера

param($computer="localhost", $change, [switch]$query,[switch]$list,[switch]$help)
function funHelp()
NAME: SetDNSServerConfig.ps1
Produces a listing of DNS Server configuration information
on a local or remote machine. Allows to set DNS server config.

-computer Specifies the name of the computer to run the script
-list     Prints the current configuration of the DNS server
-change   The property and value to change
-help     prints help file

SetDNSServerConfig.ps1 -list

Lists default DNS Server configuration on local computer 

SetDNSServerConfig.ps1 -computer MunichServer -list

Lists default DNS Server configuration on a remote server
named MunichServer

SetDNSServerConfig.ps1 -computer MunichServer -change "RoundRobin",0

Configures a remote server named MunichServer to disallow RoundRobin

SetDNSServerConfig.ps1 -computer MunichServer -change "RoundRobin",-1,

Configures a remote server named MunichServer to allow RoundRobin,
configures AllowUpdate to unrestricted, and eventloglevel to errors only

SetDNSServerConfig.ps1 -help

Prints the help topic for the script


function funList()
 if(test-path .\SetDNSServerConfigOptions.txt)
   Write-Host -foregroundcolor red `
   "Unable to find SetDNSServerConfigOptions.txt"


function funQuery()
 Get-WmiObject -class $class -computername $computer `
			-namespace root\microsoftDNS | 
			format-list [a-z]*

function funChange($change)
  $dnsServer=Get-WmiObject -class $class -computername $computer `
	        -namespace root\microsoftDNS
  for ($element=0 ; $element -le $change.length-1 ; $element+=2)
    $hash += @{ $change[$element]=$change[$element+1] }
  foreach($prop in $hash.keys)
 { "Preparing to make the following changes: "
  "$prop `t`t$($hash[$prop])"
  $dnsServer.$prop = $hash[$prop]

if($help)   { "Printing help now..." ; funHelp }
if($list)   { "Printing all changeable properties..." ; funList }
if($query)  { "Printing the current DNS server configuration" ; funQuery }
if($change) { "Change $change now ..." ; funChange($change) }

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