Вывод информации о настройка DNS сервера
param($computer="localhost",$query,[switch]$help) function funHelp() { $helpText=@" DESCRIPTION: NAME: GetDNSServerConfig.ps1 Produces a listing of DNS Server configuration information on a local or remote machine. PARAMETERS: -computer Specifies the name of the computer to run the script -query the type of query < all, advanced, cache, forward, interval, log, recurse > -help prints help file SYNTAX: GetDNSServerConfig.ps1 Lists default DNS Server configuration on local computer GetDNSServerConfig.ps1 -computer MunichServer -query advanced Lists roundrobin, SecureResponses, EnableDnsSec, BindSecondaries on a computer named MunichServer GetDNSServerConfig.ps1 -computer MunichServer -query cache Lists AutoCacheUpdate, EDnsCacheTimeout, MaxCacheTTL, MaxNegativeCacheTTL on a computer named MunichServer GetDNSServerConfig.ps1 -computer MunichServer -query forward Lists ForwardDelegations, Forwarders, ForwardingTimeout on a computer named MunichServer GetDNSServerConfig.ps1 -computer MunichServer -query interval Lists DefaultNoRefreshInterval, DefaultRefreshInterval, DisjointNets, DsPollingInterval, DsTombstoneInterval, ScavengingInterval on a computer named MunichServer GetDNSServerConfig.ps1 -computer MunichServer -query log Lists EventLogLevel, LogFileMaxSize, LogFilePath, LogIPFilterList, LogLevel on a computer named MunichServer GetDNSServerConfig.ps1 -computer MunichServer -query recurse Lists NoRecursion, RecursionRetry, RecursionTimeout on a computer named MunichServer GetDNSServerConfig.ps1 -computer MunichServer -query ALL Lists all DNS Server configuration information on a computer named MunichServer GetDNSServerConfig.ps1 -help Prints the help topic for the script "@ $helpText exit } if($help) { "Printing help now..." ; funHelp } $class="MicrosoftDNS_Server" $logProperty = "EventLogLevel","LogFileMaxSize","LogFilePath", ` "LogIPFilterList","LogLevel" $forwardProperty = "ForwardDelegations", "Forwarders", "ForwardingTimeout" $recurseProperty = "NoRecursion","RecursionRetry","RecursionTimeout" $cacheProperty = "AutoCacheUpdate","EDnsCacheTimeout","MaxCacheTTL", ` "MaxNegativeCacheTTL" $intervalProperty = "DefaultNoRefreshInterval","DefaultRefreshInterval", ` "DisjointNets","DsPollingInterval","DsTombstoneInterval", ` "ScavengingInterval" $advroperty = "roundrobin","SecureResponses","EnableDnsSec","BindSecondaries" if($query) { switch($query) { "log" { $query=$logProperty } "forward" { $query=$forwardProperty } "recurse" { $query= $recurseProperty } "cache" { $query=$cacheProperty } "interval" { $query=$intervalProperty } "advanced" { $query=$advroperty } "all" { Get-WmiObject -class $class -computername $computer ` -namespace root\microsoftDNS| format-list * ; exit } DEFAULT { " Using default: all items. For options try this: GetDNSServerConfig.ps1 -help " Get-WmiObject -class $class -computername $computer ` -namespace root\microsoftDNS| format-list * ; exit } } } ELSE { " Using default: all items. For options try this: GetDNSServerConfig.ps1 -help " Get-WmiObject -class $class -computername $computer ` -namespace root\microsoftDNS| format-list * ; exit } Get-WmiObject -class $class -computername $computer ` -namespace root\microsoftDNS | format-list -property $query
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