Вывод сведений об ограничениях сайта
param($computer="localhost", [switch]$help) function funHelp() { $helpText=@" DESCRIPTION: NAME: GetSiteLimits.ps1 Gets a listing of site limits on a local or or remote machine. PARAMETERS: -computer Specifies the name of the computer to run the script -help prints help file SYNTAX: GetSiteLimits.ps1 Gets a listing of site limits on local computer GetSiteLimits.ps1 -computer "webserverII" Gets a listing of site limits on web server named webserverII. GetSiteLimits.ps1 -help Prints the help topic for the script "@ $helpText exit } if($help) { "Printing help now..." ; funHelp } $server = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\webadministration ` -computername $computer -class server $server.SiteDefaults.limits.maxconnections $server.SiteDefaults.limits.ConnectionTimeout $server.SiteDefaults.limits.MaxBandwidth
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