Вывод списка доступных контрольных точек восстановления
param($computer="localhost", $help) function funLookup([ref]$StrIN) { switch($strIN.value) { 0 { $strIN.value = "APPLICATION INSTALL" } 1 { $strIN.value = "APPLICATION UNINSTALL" } 7 { $strIN.value = "SCHEDULED RESTORE POINT" } 13 { $strIN.value = "CANCELLED OPERATION" } 10 { $strIN.value = "DEVICE DRIVER INSTALL" } 12 { $strIN.value = "MODIFY SETTINGS" } } } function funHelp() { $helpText=@" DESCRIPTION: NAME: ListSystemRestorePoints.ps1 Lists the system restore points on a local or remote machine. PARAMETERS: -computer Specifies name of the computer upon which to run the script -help prints help file SYNTAX: ListSystemRestorePoints.ps1-computer MunichServer Lists system restore points on a computer named MunichServer ListSystemRestorePoints.ps1 Lists system restore points on local computer ListSystemRestorePoints.ps1-help ? Displays the help topic for the script "@ $helpText exit } if($help){ funline("Obtaining help ...") ; funhelp } Get-WmiObject -Class systemrestore -namespace root\default ` -computername $computer | format-Table -property ` @{ Label = "Time Created" ; Expression = { $([Management.ManagementDatetimeConverter]::` toDateTime($_.creationTime)) } }, "description", @{ Label = "RestorePoint Type" ; Expression = { $strIN = $_.restorepointtype ; funlookup([ref]$strIN) ; $strIN } }, "SequenceNumber" -autosize
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