Создание нескольких общих ресурсов
param($folderPath, $shareName, $maxAllowed=5, $description="Created by PowerShell") function funHelp() { $helpText=@" NAME: CreateMultipleShares.ps1 Creates multiple shares on a local machine using default permissions The folder to be shared does not need to exist as the script checks for the existance of the folder and will create it if it is not present PARAMETERS: -folderPath Specifies the path to the folder you wish to share -shareName Specifies the name to assign to the share -maxAllowed [optional] the maximum number of connections -description [optional] description of the share (notes, reason etc) SYNTAX: CreateMultipleShares.ps1 -folderPath "c:\fso", "c:\fso1" ` -shareName "fso", "fso1" Creates two shares of the folder c:\fso, and c:\fso1 and gives it the name fso, and fso1 5 people will be allowed to access the shares, and they have a description of Created by PowerShell CreateMultipleShares.ps1 -folderPath "c:\fso", "c:\fso1 ` -shareName "fso", "fso1" -maxAllowed 1 Creates two shares of the folder c:\fso, and c:\fso1 and gives it the name fso and fso1 1 person will be allowed to access the shares, and they have a description of Created by PowerShell CreateMultipleShares.ps1 -folderPath "c:\fso", "c:\fso1", "c:\fso2" ` -shareName "fso", "fso1", "fso2" -maxAllowed 3 -description "fso share" Creates three shares of the folder c:\fso, c:\fso1, c:\fso2 and gives it the name fso, fso1, fso2 3 people will be allowed to access the shares, and they have a description of fso share "@ $helpText exit } Function funlookup($intIN) { Switch($intIN) { 0 { "Success" } 2 { "Access denied" } 8 { "Unknown failure" } 9 { "Invalid name" } 10 { "Invalid level" } 21 { "Invalid parameter" } 22 { "Duplicate share" } 23 { "Redirected path" } 24 { "Unknown device or directory" } 25 { "Net name not found" } DEFAULT { "$intIN is an Unknown value" } } } if(!($folderpath)) { "you must supply a path" ; funHelp } if(!($sharename)) { "you must supply a name" ; funHelp } $class = "Win32_share" $Type = 0 $iLength = $folderPath.length-1 for($i=0;$i -le $iLength;$i++) { if(!(Test-Path $folderPath[$i])) { "Creating $folderPath ..." New-Item -Path $folderPath[$i] -type directory } $objWMI = [wmiClass]$class $folder= $folderPath[$i] $share= $shareName[$i] $errRTN=$objWMI.create($folder, $share, $Type, $MaxAllowed, $description) funLookup($errRTN.returnValue) }
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