Задание настроек клиентов - фоновый рисунок
param( $action, $value, $computer = "localhost", [switch]$list, [switch]$help ) function funHelp() { $helpText=@" DESCRIPTION: NAME: ConfigureClientEnvironment.ps1 Configures Terminal Server Environment settings for the client on either a local or remote Terminal server. PARAMETERS: -action the action to perform < ip(initial program) > -value modifies the action to perform -computer the computer upon which the script is to operate -list lists client environment settings -help prints help file SYNTAX: ConfigureClientEnvironment.ps1 Dispays an error that an action must be selected. Displays help ConfigureClientEnvironment.ps1 -list Lists Terminal Server Environment settings for the client on either a local Terminal server. ConfigureClientEnvironment.ps1 -action wp -value 1 Configures the local Terminal server to not display wall paper on terminal services client machines ConfigureClientEnvironment.ps1 -action wp -value 0 Configures the local Terminal server to display wall paper on terminal services client machines ConfigureClientEnvironment.ps1 -help Prints the help topic for the script "@ $helpText exit } Function funlist() { get-wmiobject -namespace $namespace -computername $computer ` -class $class | format-list [a-z]* exit } Function funpaper($strin) { $objClient=get-wmiobject -namespace $namespace -computername $computer ` -class $class -filter "terminalname = 'rdp-tcp'" $objClient.SetClientWallPaper($strin) exit } $namespace = "root\cimv2\TerminalServices" $class = "win32_TSEnvironmentSetting" if($help) { "Printing help now..." ; funHelp } if($list) { funlist } if(!$action -and !$list) { "You must select an action ..." ; funhelp } switch($action) { "wp" { funPaper($value) } }
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