Изменение схемы электропитания
param($c, $t, $q, $help) function funline ($strIN) { $num = $strIN.length for($i=1 ; $i -le $num ; $i++) { $funline += "=" } Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow `n$strIN Write-Host -ForegroundColor darkYellow $funline } function funHelp() { $helpText=@" DESCRIPTION: NAME: SetPowerConfig.ps1 Sets power config on a local machine. PARAMETERS: -c(hange) <mp,mb,dp,db,sp,sb,hp,hb> -q(uery) detailed query of current power plan -t(ime out) time out value for change. Required when using -c to change a value -help prints help file SYNTAX: SetPowerConfig.ps1 Displays error message. Must supply a parameter SetPowerConfig.ps1 -c mp -t 10 Sets time out value of monitor when on power to 10 minutes SetPowerConfig.ps1 -c mb -t 5 Sets time out value of monitor when on battery to 5 minutes SetPowerConfig.ps1 -c dp -t 15 Sets time out value of disk when on power to 15 minutes SetPowerConfig.ps1 -c db -t 7 Sets time out value of disk when on battery to 7 minutes SetPowerConfig.ps1 -c sp -t 30 Sets time out value of standby when on power to 30 minutes SetPowerConfig.ps1 -c sb -t 10 Sets time out value of standby when on battery to 10 minutes SetPowerConfig.ps1 -c hp -t 45 Sets time out value of hibernate when on power to 45 minutes SetPowerConfig.ps1 -c hb -t 15 Sets time out value of hibernate when on battery to 15 minutes SetPowerConfig.ps1 -q c Lists detailed configuration settings of the current power scheme SetPowerConfig.ps1 -help ? Displays the help topic for the script "@ $helpText exit } if($help){funline("Obtaining help ...") ; funhelp } $computer = (New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network).computername if($q) { funline("Power configuration on: $($computer)") powercfg -query exit } if($c -and !$t) { $(Throw 'A value for $t is required. Try this: SetPowerConfig.ps1 -help ?') } switch($c) { "mp" { powercfg -CHANGE -monitor-timeout-ac $t } "mb" { powercfg -CHANGE -monitor-timeout-dc $t } "dp" { powercfg -CHANGE -disk-timeout-ac $t} "db" { powercfg -CHANGE -disk-timeout-dc $t } "sp" { powercfg -CHANGE -standby-timeout-ac $t } "sb" { powercfg -CHANGE -standby-timeout-dc $t } "hp" { powercfg -CHANGE -hibernate-timeout-ac $t } "hb" { powercfg -CHANGE -hibernate-timeout-dc $t } DEFAULT { "$c is not allowed. Try the following: SetPowerConfig.ps1 -help ?" } }
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