Вывод информации о конфигурации адаптеров (локальных и на удаленных хостах)
param($computer="localhost",$query,$help) function funHelp() { $helpText=@" DESCRIPTION: NAME: GetNetAdapterConfig.ps1 Produces a listing of network adapter configuration information on a local or remote machine. PARAMETERS: -computer Specifies the name of the computer to run the script -help prints help file -query the type of query < ip, dns, dhcp, all > SYNTAX: GetNetAdapterConfig.ps1 -computerName MunichServer Lists default network adapter configuration on a computer named MunichServer GetNetAdapterConfig.ps1 -computerName MunichServer -query IP Lists IPaddress, IPsubnet, DefaultIPgateway, MACAddress on a computer named MunichServer GetNetAdapterConfig.ps1 -computerName MunichServer -query DNS Lists DNSDomain, DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder, DNSServerSearchOrder, DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled on a computer named MunichServer GetNetAdapterConfig.ps1 -computerName MunichServer -query DHCP Lists Index,DHCPEnabled, DHCPLeaseExpires, DHCPLeaseObtained, DHCPServer on a computer named MunichServer GetNetAdapterConfig.ps1 -computerName MunichServer -query ALL Lists all network adapter configuration information on a computer named MunichServer GetNetAdapterConfig.ps1 -help ? Prints the help topic for the script "@ $helpText exit } if($help) { "Printing help now..." ; funHelp } $class="win32_networkadapterconfiguration" $IPproperty="IPaddress, IPsubnet, DefaultIPgateway, MACAddress" $dnsProperty="DNSDomain, DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder, ` DNSServerSearchOrder, DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled" $dhcpProperty="Index,DHCPEnabled, DHCPLeaseExpires, ` DHCPLeaseObtained, DHCPServer" if($query) { switch($query) { "ip" { $query="Select $IPproperty from $class" } "dns" { $query="Select $dnsProperty from $class" } "dhcp" { $query="Select $dhcpProperty from $class" } "all" { $query = "Select * from $class" ; ` Get-WmiObject -Query $query | format-list * ; exit } DEFAULT { $query = "Select * from $class" ; ` Get-WmiObject -Query $query ; exit } } } ELSE { $query = "Select * from $class" ; ` Get-WmiObject -Query $query ; exit } Get-WmiObject -query $query | format-table [a-z]* -AutoSize
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