Удаление общих ресурсов
Param($shareName, $computerName="localhost") function funHelp() { $helpText=@" NAME: DeleteShare.ps1 Deletes a share on a local or remotemachine using credentials of logged on user PARAMETERS: -shareName Specifies the name of the share -computerName [optional] the name of computer containing share SYNTAX: DeleteShare.ps1 -shareName "fso" Deletes a share named fso on local computer DeleteShare.ps1 -shareName "fso" -computerName "london" Deletes a share named fso on a remote computer named london "@ $helpText exit } if(!($ShareName)) { "you must supply a shareName" ; funHelp } $wmiClass = "Win32_Share" $objWMI= Get-WmiObject -Class $wmiClass -computername $computerName -filter "Name = '$shareName'" $objWMI.delete()
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