Изменение настроек общих ресурсов
$shareName="'fso'" $maxAllowed="5" $description="Test share" $wmiClass="Win32_share" $objService=Get-WmiObject -Class $wmiClass -filter "name=$shareName" $errRTN=$objService.setShareInfo($maxAllowed,$description) "Set share info completed with a return code of $($errRTN.returnvalue)"
param($shareName="'fso'", $maxAllowed=5, $description="Test script") $wmiClass="Win32_share" $objService=Get-WmiObject -Class $wmiClass -filter "name=$shareName" $errRTN=$objService.setShareInfo($maxAllowed,$description) "Set share info completed with a return code of $($errRTN.returnvalue)"
param($shareName="'fso'", $maxAllowed=5, $description="Test script") Function funlookup($intIN) { Switch($intIN) { 0 { "Success" } 2 { "Access denied" } 8 { "Unknown failure" } 9 { "Invalid name" } 10 { "Invalid level" } 21 { "Invalid parameter" } 22 { "Duplicate share" } 23 { "Redirected path" } 24 { "Unknown device or directory" } 25 { "Net name not found" } DEFAULT { "$intIN is an Unknown value" } } } $wmiClass="Win32_share" $objService=Get-WmiObject -Class $wmiClass -filter "name=$shareName" $errRTN=$objService.setShareInfo($maxAllowed,$description) #"Set share info completed with a return code of $($errRTN.returnvalue)" funLookup($errRTN.returnValue)
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