Просмотр источника времени
param($computer="localhost", $help) function funline ([ref]$strIN) { $num = $strIN.value.length for($i=1 ; $i -le $num ; $i++) { $funline += "=" } $strIN.value = "$($strIN.value)`n" + $funline } function funHelp() { $helpText=@" DESCRIPTION: NAME: GetTimeSource.ps1 Prints the current time source on a local or remote machine. PARAMETERS: -computer Specifies the name of the computer upon which to run the script -help prints help file SYNTAX: GetTimeSource.ps1 -computer MunichServer Lists current time source on a computer named MunichServer GetTimeSource.ps1 Lists current time source on local computer GetTimeSource.ps1 -help ? Displays the help topic for the script "@ $helpText exit } if($help){ "Obtaining help ..." ; funhelp } $hklm = 2147483650 # numeric representation of HKLM from WMI SDK $strKey = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters" $strValue = "NtpServer" $stdReg = [wmiclass]"\\$computer\root\default:stdregprov" $strTime = $stdReg.GetStringValue($hklm,$strKey,$strValue) if($strTime.returnvalue -eq 0) { $strOUT="$($strTime.sValue)" funline([ref]$strOut) } ELSE { $strOut="An error $($strTime.returnvalue) occurred" funline([ref]$strOut) } Write-Host -foregroundcolor green "Time source on $computer" Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan $strout
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