Создание зон DNS
Param( $computer="localhost",$ZoneName, $action,[switch]$Datafile, [switch]$IPAddr,[switch]$help ) function funHelp() { $helpText=@" DESCRIPTION: NAME: CreateDNSZone.ps1 Creates a DNS Zone on a local or or remote machine. PARAMETERS: -computer Specifies the name of the computer to run the script -action Type of DNS zone to configure: adp AD integrated primary: -zoneName ads AD integrated secondary: -zonename -ipaddr adst Ad integrated stubby: -zonename nadp NON AD primary: -zonename -datafile nads NON AD secondary: -zonename -datafile -ipaddr nadst NON AD stubby: -zonename -datafile -zoneName Name of the zone to create -datafile Used when not creating an AD integrated DNS zone -IPaddr Used when creating a secondary DNS zone -help prints help file SYNTAX: CreateDNSZone.ps1 -action adp -zonename vienna Creates an AD integrated primary DNS zone on the local machine with the name of vienna. CreateDNSZone.ps1 -action ads -zonename vienna -ipaddr "" Creates an AD integrated secondary zone named vienna on the local machine with the master zone ip address of CreateDNSZone.ps1 -computer MunichServer -action nadp -zonename vienna -datafile c:\windows\system32\dns\vienna.dns Creates a non AD integrated primary zone named vienna on a remote machine named munichserver with a dns zone file c:\windows\system32\dns\vienna.dns CreateDNSZone.ps1 -help Prints the help topic for the script "@ $helpText exit } if($help) { "Printing help now..." ; funHelp } if(!$zonename -or !$action) { "Missing parameters..." ; funHelp} [bool]$adintegrated = -1 $nonadintegrated = 0 [int32]$Primary = 0 $secondary = 1 $stuby = 2 $forwarder = 3 [array]$aryIP = $IPaddr $dnsServer = [wmiclass]"\\$computer\root\microsoftDNS:MicrosoftDNS_ZONE" switch($action) { "adp" { $dnsServer.createZone($ZoneName, $primary, $adintegrated) ; exit } "ads" { $dnsServer.createZone($ZoneName, $secondary, $adintegrated, $null, $aryIP) ; exit } "adst" { $dnsServer.createZone($ZoneName, $stuby, $adintegrated) } "nadp" { $dnsServer.createZone($ZoneName, $primary, $nonadintegrated, $Datafile) ; exit } "nads" { $dnsServer.createZone($ZoneName, $secondary, $nonadintegrated, $Datafile, ` $aryIP) ; exit } "nadst" { $dnsServer.createZone($ZoneName, $stuby, $nonadintegrated, $Datafile) ; exit } DEFAULT { "No valid action was specified. Printing help now ..." ; $funHelp } } "No valid action was specified. Printing help now... ; $funhelp "
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