Создание доменных пользователей
param($name,$ou,$dc,[switch]$help) function funHelp() { $helpText=@" DESCRIPTION: NAME: CreateUser.Ps1 Creates a user account PARAMETERS: -name name of the user to create -ou ou to create user in -dc domain to create user in -help prints help file SYNTAX: CreateUser.Ps1 -name "CN=MyNewUser" -ou "ou=myOU" ` -dc "dc=nwtraders,dc=com" Creates a user named MyNewUser in the myOU organizational unit in the nwtraders.com domain CreateUser.ps1 -name "cn=myuser" -ou "ou=ou2,ou=mytestou" ` -dc "dc=nwtraders,dc=com" Creates a user named MyNewUser in the ou2 organizational unit. A child OU of the mytestou Organizational unit in the nwtraders.com domain CreateUser.Ps1 -name "CN=MyNewUser" ` -dc "dc=nwtraders,dc=com" Creates a user named MyNewUser in the users container in the nwtraders.com domain CreateUser.Ps1 -help Displays the help topic for the script "@ $helpText exit } if($help){ "Obtaining help ..." ; funhelp } if(!$name -or !$dc) { "Missing name parameter ..." ; funhelp } if($ou) { "Creating user $name in LDAP://$ou,$dc" $ADSI = [ADSI]"LDAP://$ou,$dc" } ELSE { "Creating user $name in LDAP://cn=users,$dc" $ADSI = [ADSI]"LDAP://cn=users,$dc" } $CLass = "User" $User = $ADSI.create($CLass, $Name) $User.setInfo()
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