Поиск портов принтера по SNMP
param( $strcomputer="localhost", $network="192.168", $help) function funHelp() { $helpText=@" DESCRIPTION: NAME: FindPrinterPorts.ps1 Allows for the management of printer ports on a local or remote machine. PARAMETERS: -computerName Specifies the name of the computer upon which to run the script -help prints help file -network IP address one, two, or three octets SYNTAX: FindPrinterPorts.ps1 -comptuerName MunichServer Lists all the printer ports on a computer named MunichServer FindPrinterPorts.ps1 -help ? Prints the help topic for the script FindPrinterPorts.ps1 -computername MunichServer -network "10" Sets a class A network address of 10 on the remote server munich server. Only Printer ports assigned to the 10.x.x.x range will be returned FindPrinterPorts.ps1 Returns printer ports in the 192.168.x.x range on the local machine "@ $helpText exit } if($help) { "Printing help now..." ; funHelp } $class = "Win32_TcpIpPrinterPort" Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow "Below are printer ports in the $network range:`n" Get-WmiObject -class $class -computername $strcomputer | where-object { $_.name -match $network } | foreach($_){ if($($_.SNMPEnabled)) { Write-Host -foregroundColor yellow "`tFollowing printer is SNMP enalbled" Write-Host "`t$($_.name), $($_.portNumber), $($_.SNMPCommunity, $($_.SNMPDevIndex)`n" } ELSE { Write-Host -foregroundColor yellow "`tFollowing printer is NOT SNMP enabled`n" write-host "`t$($_.name), $($_.portNumber)" } }
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