Список общих ресурсов
Get-WmiObject -Class win32_share -ComputerName localhost | Sort-Object name | Format-Table name, path, description -AutoSize
Детализированнй список
вариант 1
$class = "WIN32_Share" $computer = "localhost" $aryProperty ="type", "name", "allowMaximum", "caption", ` "description", "maximumAllowed", "Path" $objWMI = Get-WmiObject -Class $class -computername $computer foreach($share in $objWMI) { Write-Host ` " `nProperty values of Share: $($share.name) ------------------------- " foreach($property in $aryProperty) { if($share.$property -notlike "") { Write-Host $property : $share.$property } } }
вариант 2
Function funLookUp ($intIN) { switch ($intIN) { 0 { $global:strRTN="Disk Drive" } 1 { $global:strRTN="Print Queue" } 2 { $global:strRTN="Device" } 3 { $global:strRTN="IPC " } 2147483648 { $global:strRTN="Disk Drive Admin" } 2147483649 { $global:strRTN="Print Queue Admin"} 2147483650 { $global:strRTN="Device Admin" } 2147483651 { $global:strRTN="IPC Admin" } } } $global:strRTN = $null $class = "WIN32_Share" $computer = "localhost" $aryProperty ="type", "name", "allowMaximum", "caption", ` "description", "maximumAllowed", "Path" $objWMI = Get-WmiObject -Class $class -computername $computer foreach($share in $objWMI) { Write-Host ` " `nProperty values of Share: $($share.name) ------------------------- " foreach($property in $aryProperty) { if($share.$property -notlike "") { Write-Host $property : $share.$property } if($property -eq "type") { funLookup($share.$property) Write-Host $property "name:" $strRTN } } $Global:strRTN=$null }
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