Сертификаты с заканчивающимся сроком действия
param( $store, $days=30, [switch]$listcu, [switch]$listlm, [switch]$help ) function funHelp() { $helpText=@" DESCRIPTION: NAME: FindCertificatesAboutToExpire.ps1 Finds certificates about to expire with in a certain number of days on the local machine PARAMETERS: -store the certificate store on the computer -days number of days in the future to evaluate for certificate expiration -help prints help file SYNTAX: FindCertificatesAboutToExpire.ps1 Gets a listing of certificates about to expire within 30 days in the my store of the currentuser FindCertificatesAboutToExpire.ps1 -days 45 Gets a listing of certificates about to expire within 45 days in the my store of the currentuser FindCertificatesAboutToExpire.ps1 -store "currentuser\my" -days 60 Gets a listing of certificates about to expire within 60 days in the my store of the currentuser FindCertificatesAboutToExpire.ps1 -store "currentuser\smartcardroot" Gets a listing of certificates about to expire within 30 days in the smartcardroot store of the currentuser FindCertificatesAboutToExpire.ps1 -listcu Gets a listing of certificate stores for the currentuser FindCertificatesAboutToExpire.ps1 -listlm Gets a listing of certificate stores for the localmachine FindCertificatesAboutToExpire.ps1 -help Prints the help topic for the script "@ $helpText exit } if($help) { "Printing help now..." ; funHelp } if($listcu) { "Certificate stores in currentuser" get-childitem cert:\currentuser ; exit } if($listlm) { "Certificate stores in localmachine" get-childitem cert:\localmachine ; exit } if(!$store) { $store = "currentuser\my" "Using default store: $store" "See $($myinvocation.mycommand) -help" ` + " for additional examples" } $currentDate = (Get-Date).adddays($days) $colcert = Get-ChildItem cert:\$store Write-host -foregroundcolor cyan "Certificates in $store that" ` "expire in $days days" foreach($cert in $colcert) { if($cert.notafter -lt $currentDate) { Write-host ` " $($cert.thumbprint) `t $($cert.Notafter) " } }
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