Изменение парамтров журнала событий

function DisplayLogSettings() 
 Write-Host `
 The current settings on the $($objlog.LogDisplayName) file are: 
 max kilobytes: $($objLog.maximumKiloBYtes)
 min retention days: $($objLog.minimumRetentionDays)
 overflow policy: $($objLog.overFlowAction)
 if (!$args) { ChangeLogSettings("help") }

function ChangeLogSettings($policy) 
{ if($policy -ne "help")
     Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "changing log policy ..."
   "doNotOW"    { $objlog.modifyoverflowpolicy("DoNotOverwrite",-1) }
   "owAsNeeded" { $objlog.modifyoverflowpolicy("OverwriteAsNeeded",-1) }
   "owOlder"    { $objlog.modifyoverflowpolicy("Overwriteolder",$intRetention) }
   DEFAULT      { 
                 Write-Host -ForegroundColor red `
                 Необходимо задать один из следующих варинтов: `n
                 doNotOW - не перезаписывать журналы
                 owAsNeeded - Затирать старые по необходимости
                 owOlder - Затирать старые события, хранящеейся более $intRetention дней `n
                 Example: > SetEventLogRetentionPolicy.ps1 doNotOW
                            Sets retention policy to Do not Overwrite

                 Example: > SetEventLogRetentionPolicy.ps1 owAsNeeded
                            Sets retention policy to Overwrite as needed

                 Example: > SetEventLogRetentionPolicy.ps1 owOlder
                            Sets retention policy to Overwrite older than 30 days

                 Example: > SetEventLogRetentionPolicy.ps1 help
                            Displays this help message

    exit             }

$strLog = "application" #modify for different log
$intRetention = 30      #modify for different number of retention days
$objLog = New-Object system.diagnostics.eventlog("$strLog")

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